Bad News Saleen Fans: Automotive Company Out of Money and Owes Millions

Saleen-S7_2002_1600x1200_wallpaper_08       Saleen Automotive recently unveiled a modified Tesla Model S and announced plans to tune the 2015 For Mustang, but information contained in the company’s latest quarterly report has some wondering if Saleen will soon fall to the same fate as Hummer and Saab.


Jalopnik reported that as of September 30, “Saleen owed $583,900 in unpaid payroll taxes; $1,148,574 of accounts payable was greater than 90 days past due; $352,795 of outstanding notes payable were in default; and $398,176 is owed to a bank as of November 2014, which the Company has not paid and expects to be in default unless the bank agrees to another extension.”

Saleen’s cash assets were listed at $7,261 at the end of the quarter; definitely not enough to run a car company. The situation is so bad that Saleen is counting on another bank extension so the company can continue operating and hopefully turn things around.
This news casts doubt for Saleen enthusiasts and buyers. Saleen’s recently modified Tesla Model S, the Saleen FourSixteen, and the new Saleen 302 Black Label, that just started coming to the market, could be quickly put on hold.
It’s a sad day when ingenious companies come to a struggle due to financial issues and tax debts. We hope Saleen has the turnaround it hopes for and gets the representation it needs. Saleen if you need new accountants, we’re here for you!


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