Quick Tax Tips for Single Parents

Being a single parent can bring its own unique challenges and concerns in life, but filing taxes shouldn’t be one of them!

Here are some basic things to consider before filing your taxes this year.


Determining who you claim as dependents affects your ability to receive some credits and deductions. In a separation or divorce, this is usually a stipulated agreement between the two parents. However, the both parents can benefit if the parent who normally claims the child agrees to sign a waiver allowing for the non-custodial parent to make the claim. While you cannot split the deduction for a single year, parents can alternate years making the claim or only claim certain children if there are more than one. Remember that a child can only be a dependent if the child has lived with a parent for at least six months out of the year and was financially supported from that parent.

Head of Households:

You can file as head of household if you were not married on December 31, 2014, your kids live with you for at least 50% of the year, and you earn at least 50% of your household income. Head of household status will allow you a lower tax rate and higher deductions.


For every dependent child you are allowed to deduct $3,950 for 2014. Head of households earning $275,650 or more are phased out.

Tax Credits:

Single parents earning $75,000 adjusted gross income or less can take $1,000 off their tax bill for each dependent 16 and younger in 2014.

Child Care:

Head of households who have an income or are full-time students can claim up to $3,000 per child for qualifying health care. This includes day care, summer day camps, and after school programs. Phaseout starts at $75,000 for single head of household filers.

Earned Tax Income Credit:

The maximum credit is $6,143. If you have three or more children and earn less that $46,997 as a single parent you can take this credit. If you have two children you can still qualify if you have a smaller income.

We hope this will help you begin to file your taxes! For all your tax preparation and tax debt needs call 888-737-0200. The tax experts at Advocate Tax Solutions are here to be your one stop shop for every tax question and problem. Visit www.advocatetaxsolutions.info for more information today!

Received an IRS letter? Here are some tips.

Have you received a notice from the IRS? We recognize a letter from the IRS can put an instant knot in your stomach, but before you decide to fight or pay up there are some basic facts you should look at. Here are some tips to help calm your nerves.

You Are Not Alone.

Millions of Americans owe back taxes every year. The IRS is big, faceless, and bureaucratic. They send millions of letters and notices to taxpayers.

Don’t Panic

If you get a letter from the IRS open it before you worry. Not every envelope from the IRS is a bill or bad news. Many IRS letters can be dealt with simply and quickly. Make sure you read carefully. There are many reasons the IRS sends letters and notices. It could simply request payment, notify you of a payment made, tell you of a change in your account, or request additional information for your account.

Keep Copies and Follow Instructions.

Everything the IRS sends provides specific instructions and time periods. Make sure you respond in a timely manner, but for some cases you may not even need to reply. Sometimes letters and notices don’t need a response if you agree with the IRS and sometimes they are just notices saying you will be billed. Read carefully and keep copies. Copies will be helpful to your case wherever proof is needed. Plus, if you have a power of attorney on file, the IRS will send a cope to you as well as your designated attorney. It is a good idea to have an attorney on file if you are ever worried about missing something.

You can ask for more time.

For many notices, the IRS will grant you  an extension of time if requested. If you do ask for an extension, confirm it in writing. Everything you do with the IRS needs to be confirmed in writing.

Get Some Help

Consider getting professional help. A tax lawyer, accountant, or tax consultant may do a better job with the issue than you can. These experts can help you get a better resolution with the IRS and sometimes pay less than you would have to. Here at Advocate Tax Solutions we have tax attorneys, CPAs and tax consultants on staff to help you get the best resolution possible.

For more information call 888-737-0200 or visit http://www.advocatetaxsolutions.com today! All consultations are free and of course confidential.

Bad News Saleen Fans: Automotive Company Out of Money and Owes Millions

Saleen-S7_2002_1600x1200_wallpaper_08       Saleen Automotive recently unveiled a modified Tesla Model S and announced plans to tune the 2015 For Mustang, but information contained in the company’s latest quarterly report has some wondering if Saleen will soon fall to the same fate as Hummer and Saab.


Jalopnik reported that as of September 30, “Saleen owed $583,900 in unpaid payroll taxes; $1,148,574 of accounts payable was greater than 90 days past due; $352,795 of outstanding notes payable were in default; and $398,176 is owed to a bank as of November 2014, which the Company has not paid and expects to be in default unless the bank agrees to another extension.”

Saleen’s cash assets were listed at $7,261 at the end of the quarter; definitely not enough to run a car company. The situation is so bad that Saleen is counting on another bank extension so the company can continue operating and hopefully turn things around.
This news casts doubt for Saleen enthusiasts and buyers. Saleen’s recently modified Tesla Model S, the Saleen FourSixteen, and the new Saleen 302 Black Label, that just started coming to the market, could be quickly put on hold.
It’s a sad day when ingenious companies come to a struggle due to financial issues and tax debts. We hope Saleen has the turnaround it hopes for and gets the representation it needs. Saleen if you need new accountants, we’re here for you!


Do you owe over $10, 000 in back taxes? Call us today@: (888)737-0200 
or visit www.AdvocateTaxSolutions.com to learn more about back tax resolutions and IRS debt help.


Tax Solutions for the Family Caregiver

This year you could claim your loved one as a dependent. Advocate Tax Solutions gets you the help you deserve with tax preparation services and back tax relief.

Being a family caregiver isn’t just time-consuming, it can be expensive. Most caregivers donate to provide quality care for the ones they love.

This tax season, you may be able to claim your adult family member or friend as a dependent on your income taxes. This would allow you to get a tax exemption on his or her medical costs including prescription drugs, doctor and hospital visits, dental and eye care, transportation to get to medical appointments, health insurance programs, and nursing care.
To claim your loved one as a dependent:
• You, the caregiver, cannot be claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer.

Residency: They must be a resident of the U.S., Canada or Mexico.

Relationship: They must be a spouse, dependent child or step-child, a parent or stepparent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, OR they must have lived with you all year.

Elder’s income: Your loved one’s gross income for the year must be less than $3,900 and they cannot file a joint tax return with their spouse. (Social Security is usually excludable)

Amount of support you provide: You must provide more than 50% of you loved ones financial support. This can include food, housing, medical transportation. If they live with you, you can include a reasonable percentage of your mortgage and utilities. Those who are in assisted living or remain in their own homes can qualify if the correct support levels are still met.

Records: In order to claim a loved one as a dependent you must keep proof of payments and receipts.

Don’t worry about figuring out what deductions you are eligible for, Advocate Tax Solutions can give you the expert tax preparation services you need to receive the tax deductions and credits you’re eligible for.

Do you care for a loved one and have tax preparation questions? Call us today@: (888)737-0200 
or visit www.AdvocateTaxSolutions.com to learn more about back tax resolutions and tax preparations. 




Advocate Tax Solutions gives their views on the recent back tax problems of the rich and famous.

Advocate Tax Solutions gives their views on the recent back tax problems of the rich and famous


“If we owed $4.5 million in ’08 then how could we owe this now, unless you’re saying that everybody just went to sleep on this and just gave us a pass, which is ridiculous,” Sharpton said in the CNN article.

This week Civil Rights Leader Al Sharpton blasted the extensive New York Times Report saying he owed $4.5 million in back taxes. Sharpton argued that it wasn’t  possible for him to owe that much. “The MSNBC host said in a press conference Wednesday that the $4.5 million was the original figure he was ordered to pay back in 2008, but that he has been making regular payments since then and the amount is now less,” reports CNN.

“If we owed $4.5 million in ’08 then how could we owe this now, unless you’re saying that everybody just went to sleep on this and just gave us a pass, which is ridiculous,” Sharpton said in the CNN article.

The Times articles describes poor planning, with Mr. Sharpton’s entities paying for and owning everything. This could include his personal items. If Sharpton is trying to merge personal and business expenses he is not adhering to the fundamental tax law that separates them.  While you can write off many things with a dual motive, your tax life will be easier if you avoid them and keep records.

The IRS keeps good records and so should you. Keeping records will help you in a tax dispute and can help you keep out of tax trouble.  The IRS audits may reject your tax deductions unless you have records to validate them.

Despite the great amount Mr. Sharpton owes in tax liens, he is not alone in his problems and went through the same process as everyone with back tax problems.  The process starts with notices. The IRS can only file a Notice of Federal Tax Lien after the IRS assesses the liability and sends a Notice and Demand for Payment, which states how much you owe. The IRS automatically has a tax lien if you don’t send the full payment within 10 days.

An IRS tax lien covers all of your property before and after the lien filing. IRS tax liens last 10 years, but it is better to remove them immediately. This involves paying the tax, interests, and penalties; or posting a bond guaranteeing payment.

Mr. Sharpton says he has been compliant to this process and is doing his best to pay his back taxes.  The IRS still has not revealed how much Mr. Sharpton owes and Sharpton believes his name is being dragged through IRS-ruin because of politics. He told Business Insider the negative story by the New York Times comes just as a grand jury is about to release its findings in the shooting of Michael Brown by a white Ferguson, Mo., police officer.

“Every time there’s a Sean Bell or a Ferguson or a Trayvon Martin, we go through my taxes. It’s the same agreement y’all. It’s the same thing we announced in ’09. It is the same thing we’ve been paying every month,” he said.

That could be possible, but either way it is evident that the best way to get out of IRS debt is to keep records and be compliant and active with your payment agreement.  Millions of American’s owe back taxes, and we hope Rev. Sharpton found the representation he needed to resolve his back tax debt.  However, if we were his accountants he probably wouldn’t have had this problem in the first place!  Tax per return is usually the result of either not making estimated tax payments or improperly filing your return.  Al Sharpton, we are available if you are seeking new representation!

Do you owe over $10, 000 in back taxes? Call us today@: (888)737-0200 
or visit www.AdvocateTaxSolutions.com to learn more about back tax resolutions and IRS debt help.

5 Simple Ways to Avoid A Tax Lien and Settle Your IRS Tax Debt


A tax lien, not to be confused with a tax levy,  is a hold that the IRS places against some or all your assets. Some what like a warning.  Basically the IRS saying “take care of your back tax debt now or we are going to levy you”. By doing so, the IRS is attempting to ensure that it receives payment for the unpaid taxes that you owe.  Usually receive a Tax Lien Notice in the Mail via certified mail notifying you of the Lien.  A IRS Tax Levy is when they begin to seize your property or rights to property.  Tax Levies come in the form of Freezing your Bank accounts, attaching a IRS Wage Garnishment, or even worse the IRS taking your home or even Jail time!

But there are five circumstances by which taxpayers can potentially avoid an IRS tax lien. A Tax Professional like those at Advocate Tax Solutions can help you determine the best method to avoid a tax lien or a more serious tax levy.

1. Pay the Taxes You Owe in Full

If you can afford to pay the taxes that you owe in full, you can stop an IRS lien in its tracks. The IRS allows you to make payments directly from your bank account or by debit or credit card through a third-party processing service. You may also use the Electronic Federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS) to make a secure electronic payment. Or you may go the low-tech route and mail a check or money order, or deliver your payment in person to your local IRS office.

Estimated Tax Payments are especially important if you are self-employed and have no other withholding and
would like to avoid tax penalties when filing your tax return. If you are figuring your end-of-year estimated
tax payment for the fourth quarter of 2013 and you are self-employed, use the worksheet at the top of page 6
of the 2013 Form 1040ES to figure your deduction for self-employment tax. The 2014 Form 1040ES has instructions on how to complete the computation of your estimated tax payment.

Visit This site to set up your electronic payments online:

Transfer the amount computed to the coupon for the quarter you are paying:
Payment Period Due Dates:

January 1 – March 31, 2014 April 15, 2014
April 1 – May 31, 2014 June 16, 2014
June 1 – August 31, 2014 September 15, 2014
September 1 – December 31, 2014 January 15, 2015*

*You do not have to make the payment due on January 15, 2015, if you file your 2014 tax return
by February 2, 2015 and pay the entire balance due with your return.
Please remember to mail your estimated tax payment by the date on the coupon. Failure to postmark a
payment by the required payment date will result in the incorrect crediting of your payment and may result
in a tax penalty when figuring your return. The payment dates are listed in each Form 1040ES applicable for
that year. If you have any questions regarding these estimated tax coupons, or would like to engage us to prepare or file your payroll or personal income tax returns please to do not hesitate to
contact Advocate Tax Solutions at 847.737.1110. 

2. Enter into a Guaranteed Installment Agreement

If you cannot pay your entire tax balance in full, but owe less than $10,000, you may still avoid a tax lien. By entering into a Guaranteed installment agreement, you set an agreement by which the IRS will receive your entire tax balance due in monthly installment payments over 60-72 months. Please note that the amount of each monthly payment and the length of the entire installment agreement vary according to how much tax you owe and when your tax debts expire.  You should always consult a tax professional prior to entering into an installment agreement to ensure it is one that will encompass all tax debt owed and is paying a tax liability that is accurate and valid!  Advocate Tax Solutions will audit your financials and our Tax Attorneys will defend and analyze risk to ensure the most accurate tax return on file with the IRS.  Additionally, we will make sure you get the best deal given your income, assets, and “reasonable collection potential” prior to negotiating a Back Tax Resolution to the IRS.

3. Enter into a Streamlined Installment Agreement

If you owe between $10,000 and $25,000 in unpaid taxes, you can still avoid a tax lien from the IRS. A Streamlined Installment Agreement works much the same way as a Guaranteed Installment Agreement. The end result is the same; you eventually pay your entire amount that you owe in federal income taxes.

4. Pay Down Your Balance

If you owe more than $25,000 in back taxes to the IRS, you must pay down your balance to less than $25,000 to avoid a federal tax lien. This payment must take place before a lien is imposed. Once your unpaid tax balance is below $25,000, you may enter into a Streamlined Installment Agreement.

5. File an Offer in Compromise

If you can only afford to pay a portion of your back federal taxes, you may still avoid a tax lien by filing an Offer In Compromise or Back Tax Settlement. If accepted, an Offer in Compromise allows you to settle your tax obligation with the IRS for less than the total federal taxes owed. But you should be forewarned: the IRS is stringent about accepting Offers in Compromise. The process for reviewing Offer in Compromise applications can be lengthy. There is also no guarantee that the IRS would not impose a tax lien while you are waiting for a decision on your Offer in Compromise application.  That is why our proprietary tax case review and financial analysis process coupled with state of the art Tax Settlement Software enables Advocate Tax Solutions and our clients a leg up against others who may be attempting that very same option.  

Call (888) 737-0200 or visit our contact us page to schedule an appointment and free analysis with an ATS tax professional today!



Received a notification from the IRS regarding a Notice of Federal Tax Lien? Don’t panic, but don’t ignore it!

Receiving a notification from the IRS is not a pleasant experience, especially if you owe back taxes.  Most IRS notices arrive unexpectedly, are filled with language that may make the notice hard to understand, and may contain certain deadlines that could directly impact your near future finances.

When an issue with the IRS arises, such as paying a tax return with a balance due, you are likely to get a letter from the IRS.  The first letter is just a “notice”, informing you that you have a past due balance that needs to be addressed.

At this point, don’t panic!  The IRS will not be garnishing your wages tomorrow or next week.  The IRS will send you a notification, followed by a Notice of Intent to Levy, and concluded with a Final Notice of Intent to Levy.   Enforced collection efforts will likely begin after a Final Notice of Intent to Levy is received.

However, don’t ignore the IRS notice!  By receiving this initial IRS notification, please be aware that you are on the IRS’ radar.  Although you may not have your wages garnished or bank account levied in the next few days, if you do not take preventive measures to resolve your IRS back tax liability or seek help from an attorney, CPA or enrolled agent, your issues will certainly escalate down the road.

Consider the time between receiving a notification and a Final Notice of Intent to Levy a great time to obtain some representation so you can resolve your tax obligation under the resolution that best suits you!  Advocate Tax Solutions (ATS) can request a stay of enforcement in an attempt to temporarily halt any new liens and levies from happening if they have not already occurred while they prepare a proposal to resolve the back tax debt.  The resolution will be based on a thorough analysis of your financial position enabling a settlement based on disposable income.

For a Free & Confidential Consultation or to learn more about your options contact Advocate Tax Solutions, LLC toll free at (888) 737-0200.

What the IRS Doesn’t want you to know: Quick Tips for Lifting IRS Levies and Wage Garnishments

Advocate Tax Solutions offers immediate Tax Representation, alleviating the unwanted stress in dealing with the IRS.

Have an IRS Levy or Wage garnishment that you need lifted now?!  Use our secret weapon!

Although no tax problem is created equal consisting of hundreds of different variables due to diverse financial situations, one constant remains.  The IRS Code, and if used correctly can enable taxpayers the ability to stop wage garnishments or lift levies.

So how can you stop them you ask?  We at ATS call this technique the “SIA Levy Lift” names after the IRS’ Streamline Installment Agreement.  If you owe less than 25,000 to the IRS you aren’t required to disclose your income and expense information to be placed in a payment plan of up to five years out.  Try and post date the first payment 60 days, that will allow your representation (or yourself) ample time to generate and or file the necessary information needed for other resolutions.  Once done the levy will be immediately removed and all garnishments halted enabling the tax payer the full benefit of their check.

During this time frame we suggest contacting an Attorney or CPA versed in Tax Defense & Resolution Services to prepare an Offer in Compromise (tax Settlement) or Partial Pay installment Agreement (Payment based on Disposable Income).  Once their financial analysis is completed in house they can determine within a reasonable amount what programs you can qualify for and the next steps in the process.


There are plenty of great organizations out there that can help you, but never trust one that sends you a settlement offer in the mail prior to any work or financial analysis being conducted!  USE. YOUR. HEADS. PEOPLE!  It should take MAX 30-60 Days to conduct the financial analysis and another 6-8 months for the IRS to process the Offer in Compromise (OIC) Application Packet.

For more information about these programs go to IRS.gov or contact Advocate Tax Solutions, LLC for a free no obligation consultation at (888)-737-0200.

ATS | Advocate Tax Solutions | Trusted Advisers
