Quick Tax Tips for Single Parents

Being a single parent can bring its own unique challenges and concerns in life, but filing taxes shouldn’t be one of them!

Here are some basic things to consider before filing your taxes this year.


Determining who you claim as dependents affects your ability to receive some credits and deductions. In a separation or divorce, this is usually a stipulated agreement between the two parents. However, the both parents can benefit if the parent who normally claims the child agrees to sign a waiver allowing for the non-custodial parent to make the claim. While you cannot split the deduction for a single year, parents can alternate years making the claim or only claim certain children if there are more than one. Remember that a child can only be a dependent if the child has lived with a parent for at least six months out of the year and was financially supported from that parent.

Head of Households:

You can file as head of household if you were not married on December 31, 2014, your kids live with you for at least 50% of the year, and you earn at least 50% of your household income. Head of household status will allow you a lower tax rate and higher deductions.


For every dependent child you are allowed to deduct $3,950 for 2014. Head of households earning $275,650 or more are phased out.

Tax Credits:

Single parents earning $75,000 adjusted gross income or less can take $1,000 off their tax bill for each dependent 16 and younger in 2014.

Child Care:

Head of households who have an income or are full-time students can claim up to $3,000 per child for qualifying health care. This includes day care, summer day camps, and after school programs. Phaseout starts at $75,000 for single head of household filers.

Earned Tax Income Credit:

The maximum credit is $6,143. If you have three or more children and earn less that $46,997 as a single parent you can take this credit. If you have two children you can still qualify if you have a smaller income.

We hope this will help you begin to file your taxes! For all your tax preparation and tax debt needs call 888-737-0200. The tax experts at Advocate Tax Solutions are here to be your one stop shop for every tax question and problem. Visit www.advocatetaxsolutions.info for more information today!

Things to Check Before Open Enrollment Ends On February 15

Millions of Americans who receive health insurance through work are benefiting from the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and millions of others have signed up for the Health Insurance Marketplaces to lower their monthly premiums.

As the end of 2015 Health Insurance Marketplace open enrollment period quickly approaches, there are some questions you should ask yourself to make sure you’re complying with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to avoid being hit with a tax penalty when  you file your 2015 federal income taxes next year.

  1. Do I have coverage? If not, do I need it?

The ACA requires most Americans to carry a health insurance plan. If you choose not to, you will be choosing to pay a fine to be uninsured. Call one our tax experts at 888-737-0200 to see if you can qualify for an exemption.

  1. Does my current plan comply with the ACA?

Most employment-based plans comply with the law and if you already have a plan from the Health Insurance Marketplace or your state Marketplace you are in compliance. Medicare, Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program, TRICARE and any other qualified coverage also complies with the health law.

  1. Can I get subsidized insurance?

If you are uninsured or buy your own coverage visit Healthcare.gov or your state’s Marketplace to find out if you qualify for subsidized insurance. Depending on your household income you may be eligible for an advanced premium tax credit and cost-sharing assistance. If you have a limited income you can also find out if and how you can qualify for Medicare. If you already have a Marketplace plan, you have until February 15 to purchase different coverage if your plan is no longer right for you. Just remember to cancel your old policy!

  1. Did I report my life changes?

If you had any major life events this year such as marriage, divorce, having a child or a change in income, makes sure to update your information on your plan. You could be eligible to receive more financial assistance or you could have to repay money when filing your income taxes.

If you have any more questions about how the ACA could affect your taxes,call 888-737-0200 or visit http://www.advocatetaxsolutions.com. The tax experts at Advocate Tax Solutions are your one stop resource for all of your tax issues.

This Tax Season Could Be One of the Worst

This tax season is predicted to be the worst in years for both the IRS and for taxpayers. Nina Olson, the national taxpayer advocate, believes it could be as bad as 1985, which lost returns and delayed refunds due to a computer failure.

This year it is a potential disaster because the IRS budget keeps getting smaller and the tax code more complicated. This is also the first year the IRS will have to administer premium tax credits, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and individual mandates under the Affordable Care Act.

While firsts are never perfect, the IRS has limited resources due to budget cuts. Congress has dropped the IRS budget by 10% in the past five years, and has not accounted for the cost increases.

While the number of taxpayers has grown by about 7 million people, the number of IRS personnel has dropped by 8%.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen warned that refunds may be possibly delayed and that there will be less taxpayer service.

According to CNN, Olson “estimates that 47% of the calls coming into the IRS probably won’t be answered during the filing season. The other 53% of people lucky enough to get through will have to wait an average of 34 minutes to talk to a human being.”

Koskinen promises the IRS will keep everything running as smoothly as possible, but the agency will still be stretched thin.  “All we can try to do is maximize the resources available in that January to May time frame to make sure that … we do as well as we can. And ‘as well as we can’ is still going to be miserable,” he said.

If that misery includes greatly delayed refunds, Americans won’t like it. Currently Americans have one of the best tax compliance rates in the world and it would costs the government billions if that was to change.

We hope this tax season isn’t as miserable as it’s predicted to be! It may be best to start filing your taxes as soon as possible. Since the tax code is increasingly complex this year, it could be a good idea to consult a tax professional. At Advocate Tax Solutions, our tax consultants will prepare this year’s taxes for you as well as file any prior year’s unfiled tax returns. For all your tax preparation, accounting, and back tax questions call your tax representatives at 888-737-0200 or visit www.advocatetaxsolutions.com.

Received an IRS letter? Here are some tips.

Have you received a notice from the IRS? We recognize a letter from the IRS can put an instant knot in your stomach, but before you decide to fight or pay up there are some basic facts you should look at. Here are some tips to help calm your nerves.

You Are Not Alone.

Millions of Americans owe back taxes every year. The IRS is big, faceless, and bureaucratic. They send millions of letters and notices to taxpayers.

Don’t Panic

If you get a letter from the IRS open it before you worry. Not every envelope from the IRS is a bill or bad news. Many IRS letters can be dealt with simply and quickly. Make sure you read carefully. There are many reasons the IRS sends letters and notices. It could simply request payment, notify you of a payment made, tell you of a change in your account, or request additional information for your account.

Keep Copies and Follow Instructions.

Everything the IRS sends provides specific instructions and time periods. Make sure you respond in a timely manner, but for some cases you may not even need to reply. Sometimes letters and notices don’t need a response if you agree with the IRS and sometimes they are just notices saying you will be billed. Read carefully and keep copies. Copies will be helpful to your case wherever proof is needed. Plus, if you have a power of attorney on file, the IRS will send a cope to you as well as your designated attorney. It is a good idea to have an attorney on file if you are ever worried about missing something.

You can ask for more time.

For many notices, the IRS will grant you  an extension of time if requested. If you do ask for an extension, confirm it in writing. Everything you do with the IRS needs to be confirmed in writing.

Get Some Help

Consider getting professional help. A tax lawyer, accountant, or tax consultant may do a better job with the issue than you can. These experts can help you get a better resolution with the IRS and sometimes pay less than you would have to. Here at Advocate Tax Solutions we have tax attorneys, CPAs and tax consultants on staff to help you get the best resolution possible.

For more information call 888-737-0200 or visit http://www.advocatetaxsolutions.com today! All consultations are free and of course confidential.

2015 Filing Start Date Announced

There was a rumor going around that the 2015 filing start date would be delayed, but the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has put it to rest. The IRS finally announced the 2015 date, January 20, 2015, for paper and electronically filed tax returns. That’s 11 days sooner than last year’s date.

There was also some concern about a tiered filing system. Congress had initially signaled that it might not sign off on all tax extenders, but Congress approved a tax extenders package and Obama signed the tax extenders package into law on December 19.  This enables there to be no tiered opening season this year. All taxpayers can begin filing on January 20.

According to Forbes, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen said, about the extenders that, “we have reviewed the late tax law changes and determined there was nothing preventing us from continuing our updating and testing of our systems.” And he added, “Our employees will continue an aggressive schedule of testing and preparation of our systems during the next month to complete the final stages needed for the 2015 tax season.”

We’ll continue bringing you updates as they are made available. If you have questions about this year’s tax season or about your own tax preparation call your trusted tax experts at Advocate Tax Solutions. 888-737-0200 or visit www.advocatetaxsolutions.com

Hope you all have a great New Year!

Even in Space, Astronauts have to File Their Taxes


Not even astronauts are far enough away to escape the IRS. Just like every other American, astronauts have to file their taxes by April 15, even if they’re in space!

How does that happen?

In an interview with CNN, Nasa astronaut Leroy Chiao explained how he managed to file his taxes from space. Chiao, commander of the tenth expedition to the International Space Station, was far from the planet on April 15, 2005. Chiao says that you have to “get someone to help you out on the ground.”

“You do have to anticipate everything,” Chiao said. Since astronauts are in orbit for long periods of time, they either have to plan everything in advance or find someone they trust on the ground.

Lucky for astronauts and Americans alike, Advocate Tax Solutions is on the ground and has trustworthy tax professionals to help with all IRS tax needs.

Regardless of how far you think you may be from the IRS, Advocate Tax Solutions is stationed and ready to help!