Bad News Saleen Fans: Automotive Company Out of Money and Owes Millions

Saleen-S7_2002_1600x1200_wallpaper_08       Saleen Automotive recently unveiled a modified Tesla Model S and announced plans to tune the 2015 For Mustang, but information contained in the company’s latest quarterly report has some wondering if Saleen will soon fall to the same fate as Hummer and Saab.


Jalopnik reported that as of September 30, “Saleen owed $583,900 in unpaid payroll taxes; $1,148,574 of accounts payable was greater than 90 days past due; $352,795 of outstanding notes payable were in default; and $398,176 is owed to a bank as of November 2014, which the Company has not paid and expects to be in default unless the bank agrees to another extension.”

Saleen’s cash assets were listed at $7,261 at the end of the quarter; definitely not enough to run a car company. The situation is so bad that Saleen is counting on another bank extension so the company can continue operating and hopefully turn things around.
This news casts doubt for Saleen enthusiasts and buyers. Saleen’s recently modified Tesla Model S, the Saleen FourSixteen, and the new Saleen 302 Black Label, that just started coming to the market, could be quickly put on hold.
It’s a sad day when ingenious companies come to a struggle due to financial issues and tax debts. We hope Saleen has the turnaround it hopes for and gets the representation it needs. Saleen if you need new accountants, we’re here for you!


Do you owe over $10, 000 in back taxes? Call us today@: (888)737-0200 
or visit to learn more about back tax resolutions and IRS debt help.


Tax Solutions for the Family Caregiver

This year you could claim your loved one as a dependent. Advocate Tax Solutions gets you the help you deserve with tax preparation services and back tax relief.

Being a family caregiver isn’t just time-consuming, it can be expensive. Most caregivers donate to provide quality care for the ones they love.

This tax season, you may be able to claim your adult family member or friend as a dependent on your income taxes. This would allow you to get a tax exemption on his or her medical costs including prescription drugs, doctor and hospital visits, dental and eye care, transportation to get to medical appointments, health insurance programs, and nursing care.
To claim your loved one as a dependent:
• You, the caregiver, cannot be claimed as a dependent by another taxpayer.

Residency: They must be a resident of the U.S., Canada or Mexico.

Relationship: They must be a spouse, dependent child or step-child, a parent or stepparent, father-in-law, mother-in-law, OR they must have lived with you all year.

Elder’s income: Your loved one’s gross income for the year must be less than $3,900 and they cannot file a joint tax return with their spouse. (Social Security is usually excludable)

Amount of support you provide: You must provide more than 50% of you loved ones financial support. This can include food, housing, medical transportation. If they live with you, you can include a reasonable percentage of your mortgage and utilities. Those who are in assisted living or remain in their own homes can qualify if the correct support levels are still met.

Records: In order to claim a loved one as a dependent you must keep proof of payments and receipts.

Don’t worry about figuring out what deductions you are eligible for, Advocate Tax Solutions can give you the expert tax preparation services you need to receive the tax deductions and credits you’re eligible for.

Do you care for a loved one and have tax preparation questions? Call us today@: (888)737-0200 
or visit to learn more about back tax resolutions and tax preparations. 




Advocate Tax Solutions gives their views on the recent back tax problems of the rich and famous.

Advocate Tax Solutions gives their views on the recent back tax problems of the rich and famous


“If we owed $4.5 million in ’08 then how could we owe this now, unless you’re saying that everybody just went to sleep on this and just gave us a pass, which is ridiculous,” Sharpton said in the CNN article.

This week Civil Rights Leader Al Sharpton blasted the extensive New York Times Report saying he owed $4.5 million in back taxes. Sharpton argued that it wasn’t  possible for him to owe that much. “The MSNBC host said in a press conference Wednesday that the $4.5 million was the original figure he was ordered to pay back in 2008, but that he has been making regular payments since then and the amount is now less,” reports CNN.

“If we owed $4.5 million in ’08 then how could we owe this now, unless you’re saying that everybody just went to sleep on this and just gave us a pass, which is ridiculous,” Sharpton said in the CNN article.

The Times articles describes poor planning, with Mr. Sharpton’s entities paying for and owning everything. This could include his personal items. If Sharpton is trying to merge personal and business expenses he is not adhering to the fundamental tax law that separates them.  While you can write off many things with a dual motive, your tax life will be easier if you avoid them and keep records.

The IRS keeps good records and so should you. Keeping records will help you in a tax dispute and can help you keep out of tax trouble.  The IRS audits may reject your tax deductions unless you have records to validate them.

Despite the great amount Mr. Sharpton owes in tax liens, he is not alone in his problems and went through the same process as everyone with back tax problems.  The process starts with notices. The IRS can only file a Notice of Federal Tax Lien after the IRS assesses the liability and sends a Notice and Demand for Payment, which states how much you owe. The IRS automatically has a tax lien if you don’t send the full payment within 10 days.

An IRS tax lien covers all of your property before and after the lien filing. IRS tax liens last 10 years, but it is better to remove them immediately. This involves paying the tax, interests, and penalties; or posting a bond guaranteeing payment.

Mr. Sharpton says he has been compliant to this process and is doing his best to pay his back taxes.  The IRS still has not revealed how much Mr. Sharpton owes and Sharpton believes his name is being dragged through IRS-ruin because of politics. He told Business Insider the negative story by the New York Times comes just as a grand jury is about to release its findings in the shooting of Michael Brown by a white Ferguson, Mo., police officer.

“Every time there’s a Sean Bell or a Ferguson or a Trayvon Martin, we go through my taxes. It’s the same agreement y’all. It’s the same thing we announced in ’09. It is the same thing we’ve been paying every month,” he said.

That could be possible, but either way it is evident that the best way to get out of IRS debt is to keep records and be compliant and active with your payment agreement.  Millions of American’s owe back taxes, and we hope Rev. Sharpton found the representation he needed to resolve his back tax debt.  However, if we were his accountants he probably wouldn’t have had this problem in the first place!  Tax per return is usually the result of either not making estimated tax payments or improperly filing your return.  Al Sharpton, we are available if you are seeking new representation!

Do you owe over $10, 000 in back taxes? Call us today@: (888)737-0200 
or visit to learn more about back tax resolutions and IRS debt help.